LibanPost is glad to announce that it was elected as the winner of the World Post & Parcel Award this year for the “Corporate Social Responsibility” Category after having won this award, often regarded as the Oscar for the mail and express industry, in 2016 for the “Innovation” Category.
The Award was granted in recognition of LibanPost’s comprehensive efforts towards gender parity and women’s economic participation, and was described by the judges as: “The winner this year, LibanPost, was chosen because of a bold, courageous and meaningful project that affects many societies.”
LibanPost feels particularly privileged to have been honored by this prize, in an international competition described as particularly tough this year, where submissions of projects were made by some of the most innovative and progressive organizations in the international post and parcel sector, and against two prestigious finalists namely the American USPS and the German Deutsche Post DHL Group. The prize was handed over during an evening gala ceremony held in London on June 12th, in the presence of over 120 postal delegates from around the globe.
It is worth mentioning that LibanPost was also selected as the recipient of 2 “High Command” distinctions: in the “People Management” Category and in the “Retail Customer Access” Category, bringing the total number of recognitions earned by LibanPost to 3 out of the 10 available. Needless to say that none of that would have been possible without the engagement and dedication of the employees and the management alike.